Saturday, 21 July 2018

Top 10 Thing Need To Know Front End Developer

HTML is the most basic building block you will need for developing website and CSS is the language used to style the document

where HTML and CSS determine the content and presentation of the page, js determine the function.

CSS / javascript framework
CSS and JSF framework is the collection of the file that does not allow common functionality.

CSS preprocessor
CSS preprocessor lets you write code in preprocessor language and then converts that code to CSS.

Version control / git
version control software lets you track changes so you can go back to the previous version of your work and find out what's wrong.

Responsive design
responsive design allows to a webpage to adjust yourself to the device.

Testing / debugging
bugs are the reality of the development process so in order to keep thing moving you will need to test your code for bugs along the way.

Browser developer tools
Browser developer tools usually include an inspector (so you can see the HTML and CSS of the site) and a javascript console.

Web performance
the program like grunt and gulp can be used to automate image optimization CSS and js minifying and other web performance chores to make your website.

Command line
There will be times you need to open in the command line.

#Happy Developing😏😋
